Advanced SQL Concepts You Should Know

Zeynep Küçük
8 min readMar 8, 2023


Learning advanced SQL involves building upon the basic SQL knowledge and expanding your understanding of complex queries, data manipulation, and data analysis. Here are some steps you can take to learn more advanced SQL:

If you are well aware with the basic SQL, then learning advanced SQL is not a rocket science. I am sharing the topics for advanced SQL with a little description:

Advanced SQL Topics:

Stored Procedures

A stored procedure in SQL is a pre-written program or routine that is stored in the database server and can be executed whenever it is needed. Stored procedures are used to encapsulate a series of SQL statements and to execute them as a single unit of work.

Stored procedures provide many benefits, including:

  1. Increased performance: Stored procedures are precompiled and stored in memory, so they can be executed much faster than ad-hoc SQL statements.
  2. Enhanced security: Stored procedures can be granted permissions to specific users, and database administrators can control the access to the underlying tables and data.
  3. Code reuse: Stored procedures can be reused across multiple applications, making it easier to maintain and update the code.
  4. Consistency: Stored procedures help to ensure that database operations are performed in a consistent manner across different applications.

Here are some basic steps to create a stored procedure in SQL:

  1. Define the procedure name and input/output parameters.
  2. Write the SQL statements to be executed in the stored procedure.
  3. Compile and save the stored procedure in the database.
  4. Call the stored procedure using the procedure name and input parameters.

Example of creating a simple stored procedure:

@CustomerID int
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID

This stored procedure accepts an input parameter @CustomerID and returns all the orders for that customer. You can call this stored procedure from your application by executing the following SQL statement:

EXEC GetCustomerOrders @CustomerID = 1

This will execute the stored procedure and return all the orders for customer ID 1.


Indexes in SQL are database structures that are used to speed up data retrieval. They work like a table of contents in a book, providing quick access to specific information. Indexes are created on one or more columns of a table and are used to improve the performance of SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations.

When you create an index on a table, the database creates a separate data structure that contains a copy of the indexed columns and a pointer to the corresponding rows in the original table. This allows the database to quickly locate the data without having to scan the entire table.

Here are some benefits of using indexes in SQL:

  1. Faster data retrieval: Indexes can speed up data retrieval by reducing the amount of time it takes to search for and retrieve data from the database.
  2. Improved query performance: Indexes can improve query performance by reducing the number of rows that need to be scanned to satisfy a query.
  3. Efficient data modification: Indexes can also improve the performance of data modification operations, such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE, by reducing the amount of data that needs to be modified.

Here are some common types of indexes in SQL:

  1. Clustered index: A clustered index determines the physical order of the data in a table based on the values of one or more columns. A table can have only one clustered index.
  2. Non-clustered index: A non-clustered index is a separate structure that stores a copy of the indexed columns and a pointer to the corresponding rows in the original table.
  3. Unique index: A unique index enforces a unique constraint on the indexed columns, preventing duplicate values from being inserted into the table.
  4. Composite index: A composite index is an index that is created on two or more columns in a table.

To create an index in SQL, you can use the CREATE INDEX statement, followed by the name of the index, the name of the table, and the name of the column or columns to be indexed. Here’s an example:

CREATE INDEX idx_customers_last_name ON customers (last_name);

This creates a non-clustered index on the last_name column of the customers table. When a query is executed that searches for a specific customer by last name, the database can use the index to quickly locate the relevant rows in the table.


Constraints in SQL are rules that are applied to columns in a table to ensure that data meets certain conditions or requirements. Constraints are used to enforce data integrity and prevent data from being entered incorrectly.

Here are some common types of constraints in SQL:

  1. NOT NULL constraint: A NOT NULL constraint ensures that a column cannot contain NULL values. This means that every row in the table must have a value for the column.
  2. UNIQUE constraint: A UNIQUE constraint ensures that each value in a column is unique. This means that no two rows in the table can have the same value for the column.
  3. PRIMARY KEY constraint: A PRIMARY KEY constraint is a combination of a NOT NULL and UNIQUE constraint. It ensures that each row in the table is uniquely identified by a specific column or set of columns.
  4. FOREIGN KEY constraint: A FOREIGN KEY constraint is used to establish a relationship between two tables. It ensures that values in a column in one table match values in a column in another table.
  5. CHECK constraint: A CHECK constraint is used to ensure that values in a column meet a specific condition. For example, a CHECK constraint can be used to ensure that a date column contains only dates that are in the future.

Here’s an example of adding a NOT NULL constraint to a column:

ALTER TABLE customers
ALTER COLUMN first_name varchar(50) NOT NULL;

This SQL statement adds a NOT NULL constraint to the first_name column in the customers table. This means that every row in the table must have a value for the first_name column, and NULL values are not allowed.

Here’s an example of adding a FOREIGN KEY constraint to a column:

ADD CONSTRAINT fk_orders_customers
FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers(id);

This SQL statement adds a FOREIGN KEY constraint to the customer_id column in the orders table. This ensures that values in the customer_id column match values in the id column of the customers table, establishing a relationship between the two tables.


UNION is a SQL operator used to combine the results of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set. The result set returned by the UNION operator contains all the rows returned by each SELECT statement in the UNION, with duplicate rows removed.

Here’s the basic syntax for using the UNION operator:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table1
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table2;

In this example, two SELECT statements are combined using the UNION operator. Each SELECT statement retrieves data from a different table and returns a result set with the same number of columns. It’s important to note that the data types and order of the columns in each SELECT statement must match in order for the UNION operator to work correctly. Here’s an example of using UNION to retrieve data from two tables:

SELECT name, email
FROM customers
SELECT name, email
FROM leads;

in this example, the results of two SELECT statements are combined using the UNION operator. The first SELECT statement retrieves the name and email columns from the customers table, and the second SELECT statement retrieves the same columns from the leads table. The UNION operator combines the results of these two SELECT statements into a single result set.

It’s important to note that the UNION operator removes duplicate rows from the result set. If you want to include duplicate rows, you can use the UNION ALL operator instead of UNION.


In SQL, a trigger is a special type of stored procedure that is automatically executed in response to certain database events or changes, such as the insertion, update, or deletion of data in a table.

Triggers are useful for enforcing business rules, implementing audit trails, and maintaining data integrity. They can be used to perform complex calculations, send notifications, or perform other actions based on changes to the data.

Here’s an example of a trigger that logs information about updates to a table:

INSERT INTO audit_log (table_name, column_name, old_value, new_value, updated_at)
VALUES ('my_table', 'column_name', OLD.column_name, NEW.column_name, NOW());

In this example, the trigger is defined to fire AFTER an update occurs on the my_table table. The FOR EACH ROW clause specifies that the trigger will execute once for each row that is affected by the update.

Inside the trigger body, an INSERT statement is used to log information about the update to an audit_log table. The OLD and NEW keywords are used to refer to the old and new values of the updated column, respectively. The NOW() function is used to record the current date and time.

It’s important to note that triggers can have a significant impact on database performance, especially if they are used to perform complex calculations or operations. It’s also important to ensure that triggers are designed to handle all possible scenarios and edge cases, and that they are thoroughly tested before being deployed in a production environment.

Materialized Views

In SQL, a materialized view is a database object that stores the results of a query in a precomputed table. Materialized views are used to improve query performance by reducing the amount of time it takes to execute complex queries that involve aggregations, joins, and other operations.

When a materialized view is created, the query used to define the view is executed and the results are stored in a table. The table can then be indexed, partitioned, and optimized for query performance. When the underlying data changes, the materialized view can be refreshed to update the results.

Here’s an example of creating a materialized view in SQL:

SELECT column1, column2, COUNT(*)
FROM my_table
GROUP BY column1, column2;

In this example, the materialized view is defined using a SELECT statement that performs an aggregation on the my_table table. The GROUP BY clause is used to group the data by the column1 and column2 columns, and the COUNT(*) function is used to count the number of rows in each group.

When the materialized view is created, the results of the SELECT statement are stored in a table called my_view. The materialized view can then be queried like any other table, and the results will be returned much more quickly than if the query had to be executed on the fly.

It’s important to note that materialized views can have a significant impact on database performance and storage requirements, especially if they are used to store large amounts of data. It’s also important to ensure that materialized views are refreshed regularly to keep them up to date with the underlying data.

